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Coach Client journey

1. Initial Consultation and Assessment (1 hour)

  • Connect with client by learning their story by understanding who they are, what they do, what their circumstances look like, and discern current movement, nutrition, and regeneration routines

  • Go through their questionnaire and talk through the questions together.

  • Talk about their goals and how to best navigate that process while breaking down realistic and sustainable expectations

  • Assessment data: Current body weight, movement pattern screening, physical limitations, etc.

Choose your pricing plan

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    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Initial Consultation and Assessment
    • 4-week Resistance Training Program
    • 4-week Aerobic Conditioning Program
    • 1x per month Coaching Conversation

    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Initial Consultation and Assessment
    • 4-week Resistance Training Program
    • 4-week Aerobic Conditioning Program
    • 2x per month Coaching Conversation
    • Precision Nutrition Coaching
    • Regeneration Strategies for maximizing recovery
    • Full access to Deep Health Coach communications
    • Tailored Programming for Sporting Events i.e. Marathon
  • Signature Program

    Valid for 3 months

    Pricing & subscription model

    Our Process

    Let’s assess your DEEP health baseline and identify bright spots, limiting factors, and low-hanging fruit that’ll create a journey where the progress is palatable and teaches you to enjoy the journey.

    Get in Touch

    Thanks for submitting!

    • Which type of clients do you work with?
      We work with clients that deeply desire to bridge the gap between health span and lifespan. Depending on where they are in their deep health journey, clients may have a larger focus on certain pillars of wellness than others: Example. 1 Performance: Developing the aerobic base to complete a full marathon while also following a structured strength training specific for foundational strength, injury reduction, and longevity. Example. 2 Pain: Navigating limitations from past-injuries and/or surgery. Filling the “grey area” for clients who’ve already done the physical therapy to operate normally day to day but still need the specialized training to be able to do what they love again. Example. 3 Body Composition: Creating a dietary protocol that aids in not only weight loss but in muscle mass increase, faster recovery between trainings, and sustained energy levels to operate throughout the week. We care more about feeling good than looking good. The aesthetics will come once the client understands that it’s not a 8-12 week process, but rather a lifestyle.
    • How does the pricing and payment work?
      The account on file will be charged once the client and coach have agreed to move forward following the assessment process. This payment represents 4-weeks of coaching for movement, nutrition, and regeneration. The card on file will be charged at the end of each training cycle of 4-weeks to adhere to the 6-month commitment policy.
    • What is the minimum commitment in order to sign up?
      The minimum commitment in order to sign up with a coach is 6 months. The literature suggests consistent training for 8-12 weeks may be required in order to drive the adaptations necessary for performance, injury reduction and pain management, as well as body recomposition. Performance: Pain management: Body Recomposition: A 6-month commitment allows the client more time to build permanence for habit-building and behavioral changes throughout their journey toward deep health.
    • How will I be receiving my training program?
      The training program will be provided through the app, Quick Coach. Quick Coach will break down the volumes and intensities of the training as well as providing video demonstrations and written instruction on how to execute the exercises.
    • What should I expect from my training cycle once enrolled?
      At deep health, we DEEPLY care. Upon completing the in-depth questionnaire as well as the consultation and assessment, the client will be provided a comprehensive training cycle targeting the wants AND the needs. Wants may include aesthetic goals, while needs may include pain management and injury reduction within our scope of practice as well as an aerobic fitness protocol for increased energy levels, improved resilience to stress, and other benefits associated with longevity. We’re all about checking out all the boxes to truly achieve DEEP health.
    • How long are training programs typically?
      Most training blocks will be 4 weeks long, following a deload week to ensure proper recovery and resilience when starting the new training cycle. Performance based programs for sport may be longer or shorter, depending on the demands of the discipline as well as training experience.
    • What happens once the training cycle has been completed?
      Once fully completed, the client will go through a reassessment (~30 minutes) with their coach to track progress, identify new areas of opportunity, as well as reassessment of goals to ensure proper adjustments needed for the next training cycle.
    • What happens if I want to cancel or pause my training?
      With the 6-month commitment policy, the card on file will be charged automatically after 7-day free trial then every 30 days after start date. This commitment is meant not only to instill the consistency required to discover the benefits of deep health but also to create accountability for the client. Clients may only be exempted from automatic charges due to medical-related issues (documentation required), or life traumatic events that no longer permit the client to go forward with training (Appeal document required.)
    • How much training experience do I need to have?
      None! Our responsibility is to identify the appropriate entry point based on your current skill level and training age. By honoring that, we will be able to meet benchmarks that indicate progress throughout your Deep Health Journey.
    • What is Deep Health Coach’s philosophy on nutrition?
      It’s not always about being strictly regimented with one’s dietary routine. Life is also about enjoyment, pleasure, as well as sharing memories with close friends and family. At Deep Health, we are DEEPLY committed in instilling dietary routines where the client is ready, willing, and able to commit to actions based on their circumstances in order to create sustainability. We take an agnostic approach to nutrition, where we are not tied to any nutrition camp (paleo, vegan, carnivore, etc.).We believe that the best healthy dietary routine is the one that actually sticks while supplementing the demands of training for optimal recovery.
    • How is the Nutrition Coaching provided?
      Nutrition coaching is done under Precision Nutrition credentials, where the client’s coach will determine the nutritional requisites needed based on the demands of the training as well as other activities of daily living. The client should expect macronutrient and caloric estimates, infographics relevant to their goals, and behavioral changing exercises to instill sustainability and adherence.
    • What workout gear should I purchase if I workout at my house?
      Gear varies on the client, and program. Following the assessment a list of equipment needed for purchase will be provided
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